Debit Cards vs Credit Cards in the UK

Debit Cards Debit cards are linked to your current account, and the money spent using the card is directly deducted from your account balance. In other words, you can only spend what you have in your account. Debit cards are ideal for people who want to keep control of their spending and avoid debt. They […]
Best Credit Cards Fees, Rates in the UK

The 14 best credit cards in the UK Here’s your at-a-glance comparison of the best credit cards available in the UK right now: Card Fee APR on purchases Features Best for: Barclaycard Rewards Credit Card None 27.9% – Cashback on spending- No foreign transaction fees, inc. cash withdrawals – Free Apple subscriptions Spending and […]
Importance of Credit Score in the UK

Your credit score is a measure of how lenders think you’re doing with your finances. They use it to decide whether they should lend you money, based on how likely you are to pay them back. Put simply – the better your credit score, the easier it is to borrow money. And ‘borrowing money’ doesn’t […]
Credit Card Processing Fees in the UK in 2024

Largely unregulated, processing fees imposed on businesses for taking credit card payments have soared by a staggering 600% over the last 10 years. This is according to Axe the Card Tax, an industry lobby group set up in October 2022 which is calling on the Payments System Regulator to crack down on these costs and facilitate […]